The van Braunschweig Family (1066)

This is Count Ekbert van Braunschweig, age 30, born in 1036. He was the first Count of Frisia and Ostfriesland, also known as the Frisian Counties. His stats could be better.

This is his wife and Stewardess, Ermengarde de Suza, age 51, born in 1015. She is rather old for Ekbert, and they only had two children.

The Count's son is also named Ekbert van Braunschweig. He is 6 years old, and was born in 1060. He is the only male heir to the Counties' throne.

Gertrude van Braunschweig, their daughter, is 7 years old. She was born in 1059. When she turns 16, she will be married away for prestige points. It's a family tradition.

And finally, Ekbert's sister and Chancellor, Ida van Braunschweig. She is 46 years old, and a widow. Born in 1020. Her only daughter is married to the Prince of Chernigov and Ryazan.

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